
Junger Student informiert sich über Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten des Studiums

Take a look at the following scholarships available in Germany

Click on the various scholarships to learn more.

The programme, initiated by the government in 2011, supports students who have demonstrated the promise of outstanding achievements in their studies and careers. One half is financed by the federal government and the other half by private donors (companies, NGOs, and private individuals).

The concept of achievement on which the scholarship is based is deliberately broad: good grades and academic achievements are just as much a part of it as the willingness to assume responsibility or the successful mastering of obstacles in one's own life and education. The scholarship holders receive the income-independent grant of 300 euros per month for two semesters within their standard period of study, so that they can successfully focus on their higher education (see also the federal website

The federal government and committed sponsors (companies) each fund half of the scholarship. A contribution of 150 euros a month thus enables companies to support the training of excellent new blood for businesses and organisations. PFH selects the scholarship holders in a transparent procedure according to defined criteria and organises the funding. The commitment to a scholarship applies for two semesters at a time and is then re-assessed by PFH.

Apply now at PFH!

You will receive an invitation to apply via your PFH-mail address approximately six weeks before the application deadline. Only then will the online application form be activated.

To your application.

What you need to know

  • Apply from the first semester of studies.
  • Awarding academic performance as well as social engagement.
  • Scholarship sum: EUR 300 per month for a period of one year.

Who can apply?

Prospective students and all students of all nationalities of the PFH Private University of Applied Sciences. You must be enrolled at the PFH for at least two more semesters within your standard period of study at the beginning of the funding period.

Website Deutschlandstipendium
Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship).



  1. Do I need to pay back the Germany Scholarship? No.
  2. I am not enrolled at the PFH yet. Can I still apply? If you start your studies at the PFH on April 1st or October 1st of a year, you can apply. However, the call for applications begins after the April study start, and the application deadline is at the beginning of August.
  3. I am studying via distance learning/doing a Master’s degree/second degree. Can I also apply? Yes.
  4. I have received the Germany Scholarship before. Can I apply again? Yes, you can re-apply. It is crucial that the previous funding period has ended by the time the new funding begins. Overlapping funding from the Germany Scholarship is not possible.
  5. How is my funding made up? All scholarship holders receive financial support of 300 euros per month for one year. Private sponsors (companies, organizations, foundations, associations or private individuals) pay 150 euros.
  6. How many scholarship awards are there per selection round? Depending on the sponsors, the number of grants varies every round. Please be aware that all PFH students can apply for this scholarship and places are limited.

As a Germany Scholarship holder, you are also part of a network and can benefit from contacts in practice. In this way, the Germany Scholarship offers more than just financial support.


Previous and current sponsors of the Germany Scholarship at PFH

  1. Arbeitgeberverband Mitte e.V.
  2. GWG Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung und Stadtentwicklung Göttingen mbH
  3. KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH
  4. KWS Saat AG Lookfamed GmbH
  5. Malerbetrieb Hinkelmann
  6. Medi GmbH & Co. KG.
  7. OneJoon GmbH
  8. Ottobock SE&Co GGaA
  9. POCO Einrichtungsmärkte GmbH
  10. Sartorius AG
  11. Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH

Federal government and companies provide financial assistance to above-average university entrance qualification holders - also at PFH


PFH is awarding ten full scholarships at the Göttingen Campus and the Hansecampus Stade for refugees affected by the war in Ukraine. "We are deeply dismayed by the war in Ukraine - and we don't know how long Russia's war of aggression will last. And although we sincerely hope that refugees from Ukraine will soon be allowed to return to peace and freedom, we would like to give refugee students the opportunity to continue or begin their higher education at PFH," explains Prof. Dr. Frank Albe, President of PFH. "In this way, PFH wants to give continuity and perspective to young people from Ukraine who have no future prospects in their own country."

In addition to a guest student programme for refugees, PFH offers a total of ten full scholarships in English language Master's degree programmes:

Five scholarships in Göttingen:

Five scholarships in Stade in the field of Technology

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds the STIBET-Programme with funds by the Federal Foreign Office. The International Office of PFH offers scholarships for social commitment to qualified international students of PFH.

Scholarship for Social Engagement*

  • Apply from the first semester of studies.
  • Five scholarships available.
  • One-off payment of € 500-600.
  • Rewarding extraordinary commitment in Göttingen/ Stade as well as academic performance.

*Yearly changes may apply

What you need to know

  • Rewarding students for extraordinary commitment in Göttingen/ Stade and good academic records.
  • Award amount: 1000 (one-off).
  • With your application for the STIBET scholarship, you will automatically be considered for the DAAD award. You cannot apply separately.

The following scholarships may also be interesting for you. Please note that if you are already receiving a talent and performance-based scholarship, you cannot additionally receive a Germany Scholarship.

  • Erasmus Scholarship Programmes (for a semester abroad within the EU).
  • Heinrich Böll Foundation (apply before study start).

  • You can receive a 25% reduction in total tuition fees for extraordinary academic achievements.
  • To be eligible, you must excel in your Bachelor's studies and the application interview.

 Apply now and learn if you are eligble for the discount.

Questions - always welcome

Do you still have questions about our scholarships? We are by your side! Our recruiting team can be reached via the following contact options.