Partnerships of PFH Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen

Über die PFH Private Hochschule Göttingen

Partnerships – Creating and Further Developing Networks

Collaborative ventures and partnerships for mutual benefit are an integral part of PFH's orientation. The constant expansion of partnerships with universities, secondary schools and with numerous other educational institutions ensure, ideally, that know-how is exchanged in both directions.


National University Partnerships

Collaborative partnerships with other universities enable joint research projects, support the permeability of available courses for students of the respective other university and pave the way for PFH graduates to undertake doctoral projects at the respective partner university.


International University Partnerships

Through international university partnerships, PFH creates the structures for student exchanges and academic qualifications in the respective countries.


Partner Schools

The University has been able to enlist more than 50 partner schools for collaborative ventures over the past few years. Their pupils and teachers regularly attend PFH events or are visited by PFH professors and employees.


Collaborative Distance-Learning Partnerships

The collaborative partnerships in respect of distance-learning courses with numerous vocational colleges and other educational institutions frequently enable students to have their qualifications recognised as prerequisites for the distance-learning study programme in Business Administration.


Web Friends

PFH's web friends offer interesting programmes relating to the subject of education or further information on various topics.


India Representative for Prospective Students and Admission Services

The PFH teamed up with renowned YES Germany in nine locations in India (BTM Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi / NCR, Indiranagar Bangalore, Gurugram, Mumbai, Noida, Pathankot, Pune). YES Germany offers prospective students, parents and counselling educators the best possible pre-class experience - including language courses, visa services, admission, support, etc. Since its foundation, the private university places value on a high level of internationality and diversity among its students. The long-standing partnership with YES Germany has helped a lot of young women and men to succeed in their academic and professional pathways.

Collaborative Partnerships with Companies

Since the University was founded, partnerships with companies have been the driving force behind, and the cornerstone of, PFH´s development. The focus here is on expansion of the network and on both parties' maximisation of the potential of these collaborative partnerships.

Collaborative partnerships with PFH are multi-faceted, inspiring and rewarding for companies, with the companies themselves being able to determine the degree of their financial and time commitment. Bespoke, jointly developed solutions are also possible. There are many different ways of becoming involved in the PFH's network of companies: from recruitment of young talent to project work through to the endowment of chairs and membership of the PFH Board of Trustees.

The following products and services are available to you as a corporate partner of PFH.


Recruitment of Young Talent in the Management On-Campus Study Programme

Management study programmes that are entrepreneurial in nature, with a practical focus and content geared to business needs, enable precisely tailored training of future executives. The PraxisStudieren (Studying Practice) programme, in which companies can fund the training of students, allows a close relationship between student and company to be formed at an early stage.

Personnel Development through Distance-Learning Courses

PFH offers study programmes in Business Administration and, as of April 2014, expects to offer such programmes in Psychology/Business Psychology, whose teaching methods ensure successful learning alongside work. The content of the programmes is geared to business needs and therefore lends itself to carefully targeted personnel development.

Tailored Solutions

A special feature of PFH is the joint development and implementation of innovative courses geared to business and market requirements, e.g. Verbundwerkstoffe/Composites or Orthobionics. Companies are involved in an advisory capacity in course planning. This form of collaboration is supported, at an academic level, by endowed chairs or the establishment of institutes.

Continuing Education

Future-oriented content for non-academics at PFH Professional School or special knowledge for academics and specialists at the mtec-academy – PFH offers both for tailored continuing education in distance-learning courses and seminars. Bespoke personnel development programmes at university level are also possible.


Cooperative Marketing and Sales

Joint advertising campaigns and sales actions position corporate partners as sponsors of science and education. This gives rise to synergy effects in different target groups' perception and a positive image transfer.

Business Services

PFH gives companies straightforward access to qualified interns and up-and-coming managerial talent for their specialist departments. Scholarship programmes help to win the loyalty of young talent at an early stage. Practice-oriented lectures can be used as a company presentation platform, while events can serve know-how transfer and networking purposes.

Further Information and Contact

If you, as an entrepreneur, are interested in a collaborative partnership with PFH, please contact Ms Bianka M. Krietenstein using the contact form.

Board of Trustees

Since PFH commenced teaching activities in 1995, companies with an excellent market position and a high reputation, ranging from SMEs to global players, have been represented on PFH's Board of Trustees. This broad line-up of Dax companies, on the one hand, and SME partners from a wide variety of industries, on the other, guarantees the innovative impetus for rendering the study programme practically oriented and extending its practical orientation.

8 of the 13 companies in the present Board of Trustees have been actively involved in the "With Business for Business" process from the outset as founding members. This fruitful collaboration over many years guarantees continuity and is the best proof of the success that the university and companies have achieved to date through this partnership.

The shared objective over the coming years continues to be to mould young academic talent that is superbly trained and demonstrates entrepreneurial dynamism in meeting the challenges facing Germany as a business location.


Endowed Chair - Partnership Model with a Future

The close affiliation of companies with the University in the context of endowed chairs has a rich tradition of success.

The establishment of the endowed chairs of Tourism and Travel Management (TUI AG), Entrepreneurship (Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH), Structural Mechanics of Fibre Composites (CFK-Valley Stade e. V.) and Lightweight Engineering & Composites (Airbus Operations GmbH) has become the driving force behind University expansion and is another example of collaborative partnership in practice between the business world and the University, which guarantees maximum practical orientation in the academic environment. If you are interested in involvement in the context of an endowed chair, please contact Bianka Melanie Krietenstein, Head of Business Services.

Questions - always welcome

Do you still have questions about your studies? We are by your side! Our consulting team can be reached via the following contact options.