Prof. Dr. Frank Albe
After obtaining his university entrance qualification, Frank Albe (born in 1964) studied Business Sciences and Politics in Braunschweig. Following his Vordiplom (intermediate examination), he transferred to Göttingen, completing his Business Administration studies as a Diplom-Kaufmann. After gaining his doctorate, Prof. Albe joined TUI GmbH & Co. KG, where, latterly as the head of the TUI Group's Investment Controlling, he was responsible for the Central Europe operators and hotel and resort investments. Since the year 2000, Frank Albe has held a professorship in General Business Administration, specialising in Tourism Management and Controlling, at PFH. In 2003, he was elected to the office of Vice-President. In autumn 2014 he was elected President of the University.

Prof. Dr. Joachim Ahrens
After obtaining his Habilitation (post-doctoral qualification for lecturing at a university) in Göttingen and subsequent appointment to a professorship at the European Business School (EBS), Joachim Ahrens (born in 1963) switched to the PFH in 2006. He is a Professor of Economics, specialising in International Economics, and is responsible for the international expansion of the University. This responsibility includes, for example, international university partnerships, dual degree programmes as well as study programmes in English for foreign students. His research interests include European integration, system transformation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and economic development processes in East Asia. Since March 2015, Prof. Ahrens has been Vice-President for Academic and International Affairs at the PFH.

Prof. Dr. Antje-Britta Mörstedt
Antje-Britta Mörstedt (born in 1965) has been a Professor of Business Administration, specialising in Organisation and Blended Learning since 2008. Since October 1997, she had worked as a lecturer at the PFH alongside her activity in management consultancy. Since 2003, she has been head of the distance-learning programme in Economics. Her research interests lie in different teaching forms and digitisation as well as personnel management, focusing particularly on generation management. In March 2015, she was appointed Vice-President for Distance-Learning Study Programmes and Digitisation.

Prof. Dr. Wilm F. Unckenbold
Wilm F. Unckenbold was born in Göttingen in 1963. He studied General Mechanical Engineering at the Clausthal University of Technology, where he also took his doctorate. Various positions in academia and business followed, for example, as Managing Director of INVENT, Innovative Verbundwerkstoffe Realisation und Vermarktung neuer Technologien GmbH, or as a lecturer in the Production and Process Engineering Department at Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel University of Applied Sciences as well as Managing Director of HPS, High-Performance Space Structure Systems GmbH. He was self-employed as a freelance engineer (Ingenieurbüro für Leichtbau Dr. Unckenbold). Since April 2007, Wilm F. Unckenbold has been a Professor of Fibre Composite Technology at PFH Private University of Applied Sciences. He became a member of the University Board as Vice-President in 2009.